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  • Increase the rate of gain on your young stock with the HEATWAVE cost effective milk feeding system that is easy to clean!

The HEATWAVE MILK WARMER™ uses heat exchange technology to heat milk on demand. It is suitable for feeding lambs, calves and goat kids. It feeds up to 30 calves or 50 lambs/kids and is suitable for powdered milk or whole milk. It’s also hygienic, as the milk is stored cold. 120 Volt HEATWAVE is approved for US and Canada. See more information on our blog

The Heatwave comes with everything required to run 4 nipples for lambs/kids or calves as well as a cleaner that should last aprox. 6 weeks.  It does not include the Heatwave Teatguards nor does it include the Barrel Tap and reducing "Y" Connector recommended if using this for calves or feeding out of a large storage container. 

Extras and Spares you might be interested in: Heatwave Teatguard, Heatwave Cleaning Tablets, Calf Teats, Lamb Teats, Lamb/Goat Kid Starter Teats, Bubble Pump, Silicone Tube, Bayonet Fitting, Standard Stokbord Plate, Bulkhead Push-fit assembly, Collet, 8mm Wrench, straight barbed connector, non-return valve, heat exchange coil, metal connector/weight, Y Connector 6mm, Reducing Y Connector, Barrel Tap, Plastic Connector, Yellow Filter, Outlet Pipe PairInlet Pipe Pair or Inlet Pipe with Bubble Pumps. 

If you have any questions or concerns contact us for more information. 

Customer Testimonial....

"We were really impressed at how everything we needed to set up the Heatwave was delivered in one tidy container. Having only raised bummer lambs on bottles before, we found the Heatwave far easier to get new lambs on to, and they grew incredibly well. Lambs were the healthiest we've ever had for "bottle babies" with no bloat, no scours, and great gains. As a busy family farm, the labour saving alone is worth the investment — and I slept so much better during lambing, knowing little triplet lambs could eat whenever they wanted to at night without me having to get out of bed."


- Lyndsey & Chris

Shady Creek Lamb Co.

Ottawa, Ontario

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