Made in the USA, with excellent product support, EZ Connectors are acknowledged by the tow industry as the most reliable electrical connector for the tow industry. Because of the industry standardizing behind the very unreliable, but much less expensive 7 blade connector, it has been relegated to the aftermarket where it is the first choice for those who demand safety, reliability and lowest cost of ownership.
EZS7- EZ Connector’s Self Sealing 7-pin Hardwired Vehicle End with 4 inch leads. The S7-05 is the new self-sealing vehicle end of the new EZS7 product line and includes 7 - 4 inch marine grade wire leads, butt connectors and sealant type heat shrink tubing for a watertight splice.
The EZS7 is EZ Connector’s new self-sealing version of the award winning, most reliable, corrosion and water- proof connector available anywhere. Like the original EZR7 system, the backward compatible EZS7 system is magnetically held together and has spring-loaded face to face contacts and it now includes a self-sealing lid and self-closing plug holder.
It is easier to install since it fits directly into the factory installed mounting bracket of most vehicles either directly as with 2000 – 2007 Fords or, with the use of the S7-60F,S7-60G clips, in most other models.
With a shortened unit depth of only 2 1/2” it fits perfectly into the sidewall of a truck for 5th wheel applications. It can be purchased for bumper pull or 5th wheel applications and comes in hard-wired, plug n play and t-connector versions. It is the best, most reliable plug on the market.