The 2500HD is a 51 Bushel Advantage Feeder holding approximately 2500 lbs of barley. It allows you to *Control Feed, Free Choice Feed or **Creep Feed Grain to all ages and types of Livestock. You should be able to feed aprox. 50 cows or 150 ewes with this size of feeder. The feeder can easily be adjusted between cattle and sheep height as often as needed.
The 2500HD Advantage Feeder comes with a creep panel for sheep and goats on both sides. The optional partition in the middle of the feeder allows you more options such as the ability to control feed mothers on one side while creep feeding their offspring on the other. The pockets for pallet forks make it easy to move the feeder around.
* Control Feeding allows you to limit feed daily intake for livestock of all ages which is of great benefit financially and gives you the option of feeding a higher starch type of feed. With Advantage Feeders you also get the benefit of spreading the grain feedings out throughout the day which keeps the ph in their rumen more balanced thus allowing for greater efficiency in feed consumption and a healthier rumen.
**For cattle a separate CGW Creep Gate is required for calf creep feeding. You can chose to purchase one or two creep gates per feeder.
The Advantage Feeders are galvanized with a Stainless Steel trough area and come with a limited 2-year warranty.
Shipping: Prices include free shipping to your closest pickup location or we can get a quote to ship directly to you. Some shipping is included in the prices. Contact us to see if there is a pickup location in your area.