You know the satisfaction of finding a tool that gets a job done easily and effectively. If that tool also saves money, improves animal welfare, and provides high sustainability, you've got a winner.
We believe that Spread-a-Bale provides all this and more.
Spread-a-Bale will help you to:
- Cut labor and running costs - customers report a reduction of 75%.
- Boost animal health - minimal dust means fewer animal health issues.
- Enhance efficiency - Spread-a-Bale attaches, detaches, loads and spreads round or rectangular bales unbelievably quickly and easily.
Thomas Fisher, 650 dairy cows, Carlisle:
“We saw a Spread-a-Bale working on a neighbour’s farm are were impressed with how easy it is to operate and how effectively it spread straw right across the pens. We used to bed down using a chopper blower but stopped using it because it did not do a good enough job. Bedding down takes half the time it did compared with moving the bales to the pens on the forks of a tractor and spreading by hand. We are also using only half as much straw. The machine pays for itself in straw and time savings”.
Nigel Armstrong, manager of 280 dairy cows/followers at Nottingham University:
“The machine is hydraulically driven rather than pto-powered, and because it uses no fast moving parts it eliminates the risk of stones or similar objects being ‘fired’ at cattle or buildings: “Our old bale spreader used to tie up one tractor all the time, and a second one when it needed loading. The Spread-A-Bale is quickly connected and disconnected from the tractor or loader, and is also ‘self-loading’, which optimizes tractor/manpower usage. Running costs are much lower than its predecessor and we get the work done three times as quickly”.