Ready for Spring 2024?
See how these small tools could make your spring/seeding prep easier!
Clear out clogged grease fittings with the Lock N Lube Grease buster!
Simply fill with a solvent and gently tap the piston into the chamber to force the solvent in to create a chemical reaction which breaks down the clog.
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Are you tired of the grease coupler always coming off when your trying to grease your tractor, drill, combine or other farm equipment? Have you tried a LOCK ON grease coupler? Designed to be leak free up to 10,000 PSI. This simple lock on grease coupler will ease your frustration and make the greasing job quicker!
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Don't forget your Outback Wrap!
Are you ready to get your hydraulic hookups done quickly and head off to your important tasks of the day?
Outback Wrap helps you hook up your farming equipment quickly. The colour is part of the molding process so it won't fade. The letters A & B are lasered into the wrap and they are made to withstand temperatures from -50 to +100 degrees C.
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